City Of Stanton News

Our Stanton city council continues to struggle...
At the last Stanton city council meeting it can be seen from the agenda that our city council continues to struggle to find a solution to what they believe is their biggest problem. The problem is so big they have had multiple meetings, they have taken multiple angles at fixing their biggest problem, and news articles have been written about this major issue over the past year and still no real solution has been found. But, they continue to use your resources to find a solution.
What is our city council's biggest issue that they are so focused on you ask? What are they focusing your resources and tax money on so they can solve their biggest problem? Any guesses? Now, you already know they are not at all focused on OUR biggest issues such as prostitution in neighborhoods, homelessness, lack of decent-wage full-time jobs, too much high-density housing, lack of adequate resources such as electricity, gas, water, yearly sewage spills, gridlocked roads.... naw, city council only brings up these issues when they want to get re-elected.
So, what is our city council's biggest issue they are spending so much time and resources on? Keeping the mayor in office. LOL. Yeah, they are struggling to find a way around term limits for the mayor. They have considered becoming a charter city. They have considered adding another council member seat. They have considered putting something on our ballot so the mayor can avoid the term limit. They have been working on this over the past year or more. They are doing everything but face the fact that we already voted 75% in favor of term limits and that's their problem. They really don't care what you want. They really don't care what you want. Yes, I said this twice for emphasis.
Oh, just a little 'heads up' on what a charter city means to you. Right now Huntington Beach, which is a charter city, has a voter ID law on their upcoming March ballot. The law will also include watching who is voting at the ballot boxes. State Senator Dave Min called this law likely illegal while others say the voter ID provision violates state law and would result in voter suppression. Read more about it
here and
For one reason or another lower income folks are sometimes without a valid ID and Stanton has the lowest median household income out of all of the working-class cities in the OC so I suspect this is something that could really affect the vote in our city.
You may not know that Orange County has had an issue in the past with what some would call voter suppression. On voting day in a tight race for the state assembly "uniformed personnel to monitor polls" were hired by the candidate to act as "poll guards" to help with "voter security". So, voter suppression and intimidation is nothing new in the OC. Read more about it
Anyway, some people are really good at getting elected to office and "fine-tuning" the voting process. Those running for office collect large sums of money from donors and once elected taxes get raised on the residents and businesses that seem to favor those doners. Some might say this is what has been happening with our trash fee and keeps honest folks like you and me out of politics.
Oh, you probably don't remember in Stanton our city council did some "fine-tuning" with one of our elections recently. They voted to put a tax on our ballot in a special election then moved most of the usual polling places leaving voters wondering where their polling place went. And guess what... that tax passed since very, very few turned out for the election.